About Me

Software product-manager. Husband. Father. Grandfather. Photographer. Christian. Music lover.

During weekdays, I shape the software that settles about half of Australia’s sharemarket transactions.

Much of the rest of my time is spent with my wife and family. Together we try to shape one another. However successful we may or may not be in that endeavour, I pray at least that we will always let ourselves be shaped by Christ. In this I am grateful for the shaping we receive at St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne.

I pray that anything I write here will point past me, to Christ, will bring all glory to his name, and be a tool for him to do his shaping work.

Attic-SmallBeing content with an attic … ought to mean appreciating what there is to appreciate in such a position; such as the quaint and elvish slope of the ceiling or the sublime aerial view of the opposite chimney-pots. (G.K. Chesterton)

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